
Get Started Nizoral Shampoo, Cream, Tablets (Keto - Websiteprofile - is 3 years old, Alexa rank: #5620060, Country: United States, Last updated: Sunday, 19 April 2015.

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  • Amazon Customer - amazing

    Yes, I know I'm just another one, continuing the string of raving reviews, but I couldn't resist putting my two cents in. This truly is an incredible adventure story. Growing up in the comfort of the late 20th century, it was nearly impossible for me to even try to place myself in the situation described in the book: a man and his crew, struggling for their lives in one of the harshest environments on earth, with the knowledge that no help from the outside is coming, the outside world not even being aware of the predicament. I imagine it would be hard for a great deal of us to understand the feeling of having one's very life in their own hands, having to survive solely on one's own mental and physical strength, and that of the few companions that become one's entire world. At times the whole thing feels like too much; I had to remind myself that this really happened, people really survived this, otherwise I would have started to assume it was straight out of Hollywood.

  • H. R. Holt - Virgil and the Tigers

    John Sandford is a great writer, and I especially enjoy the Virgil Flowers episodes. This one starts with the "kidnapping" of two rare Amur tigers from a Minnesota zoo and the intent of using their body parts for Chinese healing. In addition to finding the tigers and those who took them, Virgil must also deal with murders, assaults, and a group of brothers from California who want revenge for two of the murders.

  • Eugene Ghiglia - Krud buster

    This stuff actually works OK. I wouldn't rate it as Industrial Strength, but it's not harsh or irritating either. I've used it on old grime and grease with moderate success, and on newly spilled oils or messes with almost total cleaning results.

  • Animal Lover:) - LOVE THIS FACIAL PEEL!

    I love this stuff. It takes a lot of dead skin off, and I know this because my skin is prone to peeling, and this removed it, leaving my skin soft and no longer flakey. My skin is left soft and unlike a lot of other products, it did not leave my skin tight and have me running to my moisturizer right after I used it. Washed off easily, smells nice, overall great product. I know there are some reviews on here that complain that it is not dead skin coming off but the peel gelling together in small balls, but I don't care. I don't care if it is dead skin or pixie dust coming off as long as the end result is what I want, and it is. I will be a life long customer for this product.

  • Daddio - Fit well and seem to be pretty good quality

    Fit well and seem to be pretty good quality. Not sure yet if they will do well at trapping water and mess. I'll know in a few months when winter hits in Pgh.

  • TFinch - It works

    This is a great product if you need to drop a pant size for an upcoming event. I've ued this on three different occassions and it is worth the money every single time. Its nver disappointed me so I recommend to anyone wo wants t try it and it works perfect if you follow it exactly while drinking water.