Energy Genesis / Life Center (Formerly Life Vessel of the Rockies) - Energy Genesis, alternative healing, resonant frequency, Gail Lynn, Rachel Noami Remen, epigenetics, sound healing, pain management, consciousness, thought form frequency, vibrational medicine, energy healing, nutrition, anti-aging, ebola, malaria, influenza, HIV, flu, vaccination, HPV, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, mrsa, shingles, measles, hepatitis, energy medicine, Chlamydia, depression, bipolar, herpes, gout, multiple sclerosis, vitamin deficient, sports injuries, pain, virus, thyroid, insomnia, fibromyalgia
Country:, North America, US
City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States
I bought this from a friend who has gotten into the Jeunesse distributor business. The reason I'm writing a review here is because I always check Amazon reviews before buying something, so I hope my review will help someone else. I've done some research on the product and I can't find anything contrary to what the company says, that this is based on findings from scientific research on stem cells. The marketing materials include testimonials from doctors that seem to exist and to be associated with this research. I haven't looked up their actual publications, though. In any case, one study carried out and published by Jeunesse indicated that, from about 86 women tested, this product did not work for about 20% of them. I seem to be in this category. I have been using the serum for over a month, day and night, without fail. I have even increased the amount I apply to my face, neck and decolletage, in case I wasn't using enough the first two weeks. I am a young-looking (according to friends and acquaintances), 41-year-old, East Indian female. I have decent skin, but over the years I have developed small wrinkles around my eyes and mouth, faded sun spots and acne scars, and my neck and chest also have fine wrinkles. I have been evaluating about three separate "problem" areas to see if there has been any change, and I do not see any. Furthermore, no one I interact with has said that I look "different" or that my skin is glowing, whereas when I did botox injections between my eyebrows, the reaction was immediate from friends and family that I looked younger and well-rested (and they didn't know about the botox). So, although none of this is very scientific, that is my assessment of the serum: that it did not work for me and is not worth the cost compared to other products that I have used to keep my skin healthy and young-looking. In my opinion, eating healthy, exercising and drinking lots of water, and hot yoga, has a better result on my skin than any product I have tried. This is based on the fact that when I was doing all of those things, that's when people would tell me how beautiful my skin was. So I'm trying to get back to that routine after falling into bad habits this last year, and it will probably cost a lot less than this serum. Hope this helps!
I ordered these clubs two nights ago, and they arrived tonight. After unwrapping the clubs from their packaging (plastic sleeves on the shafts and bubble wrap around the heads of all of the clubs), I took a couple of practice swings with the 7 iron. I can tell already that I'm not going to be able to comfortably use these clubs. They're great looking and seem very solid, not cheap at all. But they're too short for me.
I bought Ames Blue Max to seal the inside of a rainwater cistern. It was the most cost effective solution I found for this purpose. It required 10 gallons of the stuff in three coats to produce a totally waterproof lining. I bought mine at and had it shipped free to my local Ace Hardware store for a far more reasonable cost.
Solid stuff. Only thing I ever take before a workout. Helps me get that extra boost once I get in my head right before a heavy lift.