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A good friend sent "What Color Is Your Parachute?" in 1977 with a paper clip around a group of pages of the Preface (or Introduction as the case may have been). His note said, "If you don't read any more than this, at least read the part I've marked with the paperclip." It was one of the best gifts I've ever received. I'd just been shown the gate by my employer and was living far from friends and family, newly married, and just generally in deep [stuff].
These ActiveBuds Bluetooth headset are wonderful. The description of the product is all correct. They are easy to pair up. They are very comfortable long lasting. Great price for these. They don't hurt yours ears. They come with a case. Charging cables. I will be buying this product again. The sound is all clear . When you talk you can hear them.
This was a wonderful birthday gift for my son wanting to be a paleontologist. He didn't stop until he uncovered all of the bones, washed and pieced it all together. Unfortunately it had two left legs which was disappointing but all in all he had a wonderful time.
This is the second edition of the book. The first edition didn't sell well because all of the randomly chosen numbers turned out to be exactly the same. The authors argued that a true random number generator could indeed generate a million identical numbers, and the fact that the authors would try to publish something that seemed so un-random proved their intellectual integrity and hence the randomness of their identical numbers. Still, the public rejected the first edition proving that consumers of random numbers are far more interested in the appearance of randomness than in actual randomness. As a consequence, for this second edition the authors carefully selected numbers that readers would be sure to perceive as random. So sadly this book represents yet another example of how striving for marketplace success corrupts the intellectual integrity of authors.
Perfect fit. Fast shipping. Just love them. The best floor mats I've ever seen, plus made in the good old USA. Just love " Merican made " !!!!!
We used this book extensively on our May trip. Very helpful on the interstates. Wish there was one for the Turnpikes. We used it to find lodging for our camper several times. I will be buying the 2017 edition.