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Journal of Medical Case Reports | Home page - <p><i><b>Journal of Medical Case Reports</b></i> is a peer-reviewed open access journal that will consider any original case report that expands the field of general medical knowledge. The journal is indexed by Cinahl, Citebase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, MEDLINE, OAIster, PubMed, PubMed Central, SCImago, Scirus, Scopus, SOCOLAR and Zetoc.</p>

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  • avirtualcfo - Updated 7/4/2016-Amazon Video Support for this 2016 Model

    Amazon Video is not supported for this 2016 model TV according to Amazon customer service. We are unable to even get to an Amazon sign in screen and have spent 2 hours on the phone with both Samsung and Amazon each stating it is not their issue. After discussing with Samsung and performing factory resets I was directed to call Amazon because it was a software issue. When calling Amazon, the customer service rep said they were unable to authorize a new download of the app to the TV and I had to talk to Samsung because the 2016 model was not a supported model. After expressing my displeasure, the condescending comment I received was "Are you finished talking?" and "There is nothing further we can do for you". Wow.

  • Letitia Moore - Great Read

    Roi Majors is a wolf shifter working for I-Ops. He's sexy and known as a ladies man. He never passes up a woman. His team of shifters are trying to find Krauss, an evil master mind trying to create the super solider. To locate Krauss, his team gets help from Missy Carter, a tiny little spitfire. Upon realizing Missy is his mate, Roi becomes very protective and constantly puts his foot in his mouth :)

  • ginger - Not the same as Ketochlor shampoo

    I ordered this product thinking it was going to be the equivalent of the Virbac Ketochlor shampoo we had received from our vet. This product doesn't even come close (not for the reason we purchased it). It might work on other bacteria for dogs, but not yeast.