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  • Rainy Brodie - Had to return

    Did not work on windows 8.1 as other reviews said it would ...had to return item. Will work fine with XP or windows 7.

  • Cassandra King - Like giving my baby coffee lol

    Like giving my baby coffee lol. She was released within 30 minutes. Tastes like licorice and she loved it!

  • Bobby Mays - Don't buy it!

    I was very disappointed the way it cooks. Only a 5" center section gets hot and the rest is cold. I went out and bought a stainless steel cooking pan just for cooking on the NuWave. Sorry I ever bought the NuWave. It was no way near as good as the commercial.

  • Tyler B. Hall - I am a guy who never had weight issues.but since I turned 41...

    even though I run and exercise 2 or 3 times a week I started putting on a little belly weight and after just a few weeks taking the Tonalin there was a noticeable reduction in stomach bulge and my belt size went down 2 notches.