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  • S. Sweeney - As a long-time Brockmann fan, this lovely short, ...

    As a long-time Brockmann fan, this lovely short, and the two companion shorts, reminded me how much I've missed her. Looking forward to her new full length novel.

  • it's ok, could have better payouts - like the real casino games

    I found this app to be most like the real casino games. Sounds and graphics as well. Too bad you have to wait four hours for your bonus coins.

  • Lydia R. - My daughter is pleased (ACTUAL PURCHASE)

    My daughter has had the Leappad 2 for just under a year. (I've written a review for that, including that she brings it to bed more often than dolls or bears). Two days ago I placed the Leappad Ultra in her hands...I wished I had video taped it. She was watching the Magic School Bus on the LP2 and I started up on the LPU and handed it to her. Her jaw dropped, she stopped singing (maybe breathing) and couldn't take her eyes off it. My friend and I were asking her if she liked it, if she's Ok, calling her name... she was in a daze, literally. About 3 minutes after she was able to respond. "Mummy I love it I love it l love wow wow". She proceeded to investigate the location of the buttons. She wanted to know how all the new (included apps) worked and began clicking on icons. Sometimes I observed her just sitting holding it with a smile. When I inquired she said: "the game is loading". The first night she stayed up 2 hours past her bedtime, allowing her to play constantly for about 6-7 hours. No issues... except the loading time which she has not complained about. She has about 16 apps from before. She had re-played more than half. She said "wonder if this (cartridge) would work". I left her to try and she came to me with a colorful, grainy frozen screen. I don't know if she removed the cartridge while game on... possible, because when I shut down, insert cartridge and started it was good and she was saying "I didn't want that cartridge again". She is 6 years old, by the way. Favorite app is the Pet Party. Her only complaint was that sometimes she doesn't actually touch the screen, but by hovering over it engages the screen and maybe does something she didn't want done. So I guess her LPU is ultra responsive.

  • J.P.B - Speed settings for fan don't work, it goes on and off, that's it.

    Supposed to have 3 speed settings for the fan, and it does display 3 settings, but only one works. (as you cycle through the others it stays completely off) The one that works seems to be the powerful one, so I guess I'm glad it works at all, and I can't imagine it'd be worth my while to send it back at this point, or even try to figure out what the problem is. Unfortunate.

  • Organic Maven - I will never be without this soothing, calming beverage ...

    I will never be without this soothing, calming beverage. I received this tea as a gift and my dominant doshas are Vata, then Pitta. It truly calms and relaxes me. As a holistic health coach, I share with my clients products that I use and trust. Along with Organic India Original Tulsi tea, this is a keeper.

  • R. Rosini - Wait for the audiobook version

    While the printed version is good, I would have expected the publisher to have an audiobook version as well. A perfect companion for one's Ipod.