Spiramycine Métronidazole Générique - Flagyl 300 Mg - Vous ne devriez pas utiliser Flagyl si vous êtes allergique au métronidazole, ou si vous êtes dans le premier trimestre de la grossesse. (voir Réactions d'hypersensibilité et la désensibilisation sous garde.) Prophylaxie périopératoire
Country:, Europe, FR
City: 2.3387 , France
used the machine 2x since July 18th and the machine does not catch the bobbin thread. It happened 1 time thinking perhaps It was a fluke or something wrong, then it worked. Sewed a hem on a pair of dockers, then the machine locked up, because of the thread. My wife has sewed on many machines and when we tried to set the bobbin it was all down hill. The machine is not threading from the bobbin, it tangles all up. Thank goodness for my purchased warranty!
Totally awesome. Takes a minute to get fit to ear but once you do by changing out the ear covers, Wow. Great sound. Wouldn't trade them.
Well I had some stains on my teeth and I definitely wanted them whiter. After reading the reviews on here I decided to try it and boy am I glad!! My stains were gone completely by the fourth day and my teeth are definitely whiter than before. I even had someone ask me how my teeth were so white. I dont think you are going to get those super super white teeth that you would get from a pro job but this def helps. For the money I think it does an excellent job. Its so easy to use, no sitting around with that nasty plastic stuff in your mouth or trays for 30-45 min. Just brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day. The tubes are small but you only use a pearl size amount of each. I havent noticed any tooth sensitivity yet and I have been using it almost a month. I would order it again and will prob order some for my hubby too.