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Within a day of having the Nutribullet the cups began to leak into the motor and the recipe sizes had to be modified to be able to fit under the max fill line. We thought the rubber gasket looked broken that creates the seal. When I called customer service I was informed that no one else is having this problem and was I sure I wasn't doing something like over filling the cup. I assured the rep that I had been very careful but the problem was persistent and happened with both sized cups. The rep said, "so what do you want me to do about it?" I said I would like a replacement unit at first but their idea of customer service is sending you a fedex label, which took over a week to reach me, to then take the repacked unit to fedex wait for them to receive it and then two weeks for processing to make sure it's actually broken before you get a new one!! So I opted for a refund which will take about 6 weeks!
so far so good I waited about 4-5 days to give the review and if it fails to work later down the road I will fix this, but I had a fairly bad leak, about a 1/2 gallon to a gallon of coolant lost a week along with some oil poured some of this in a truck I'd rather not work on cause of it being older than I am with lots of other issues and so far so good!