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Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • Garey Bryan - USE RAPID REMOVER

    this might work better on a new decal for removing glue. But use rapid remover for older stickers or decals works very good.

  • James M. Cook - It dechlorinates bleach!

    I use Seachem Prime to refresh my bags of Seachem Purigen. it works extremely well and was advised in the Purigen instructions to use this after soaking the packets in bleach for 24 hours. Prime does the trick. I haven't tried conditioning tap water as I use an RO/DI system for my fresh water needs in my reef tank, but if it can take straight bleach, water shouldn't be an issue at all. Works like a charm.

  • Search Alot - Effective and Pleasant Odor Cat Pee Eliminator

    Like a lot of you I have found it extremely difficult to treat areas of cat pee that my neutered male cat still finds necessary to leave around the house. I have used another product called Extreme Cat Urine Eliminator which works generally well but I don't care for its smell. My cat can still smell his mark after treatment however even though I cannot.

  • Old Codger - Best hard drive backup on the planet!

    Had a catastrophic failure and loss of my system and reloaded Windows on a fresh disc, loaded Novastor, which I had been using for backups for years, and It told me that I had to purchase an upgrade since my current version had expired (News to me!). Well, I needed my system because I had a fairly recent Novastor total disc backup, so I ordered the upgrade on my wife's system, installed the downloaded new Novastor on my system' and mounted the backup disc and proceeded to restore my system. KABOOM! The new version did not recognize the old version's backup. I emailed Novastor about the problem and tried various scenarios they suggested for 2 days and nothing worked. After 2 days, Novastor stopped answering my requests for help.