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City: -96.8217 Texas, United States
This is a great product. I have used it for over 5 years. If you keep a small plug in the opening the bottle will not dry out.
I just got the Samsung Chromebook 3 3G and I'm pretty happy with it so far - less than 24 hours. I purged Microsoft Windows from my work and house about a year ago and have loved it since. I'm quite technical but I found myself spending way too much time maintaining my Windows computers - anti-virus, anti-malware, getting corporate grade firewalls, patching, de-fragging, etc. I had a almost brand new Dell Optiplex and it was slowing to a crawl after less than 1 year with all the normal gumming up with the above updates.
This is a great headset if you can handle the size and fit. I used the Bose BT headset for years because if its incredibly small size and great fit, but Bose stopped making them. This seemed the best option, and I really like the fact that it's all controlled by physical buttons, has a handy mute button (biggest omission with the Bose headset), and has good to great sound quality. Although it does fold up, it's big and does not have a sleek or beautiful design. Fit and security are OK, but not great, and it would be nice if the ear piece sealed better. The one huge demerit is the proprietary charging port, which requires a special cable (included, but easily lost). Just get the charging case, which protects the headset, can be charged with a regular micro-USB cable (and simultaneously charges the headset when it's in the case), and provides a huge amount of talk time as it recharges the headset when it's stored in the case. Don't waste your money on an extra cable; you'll never use it if you get the case.