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Country:, Europe, FR
City: 2.3292 Paris, France
This book is great! A lot of the treats are really nice to make around the October, November, December months since that's when a lot of the ceremonies go in the Harry Potter books that include lots of food. Plus, a lot of the food just has an autumny feel. I also read someone's previous comment about there not being any Pumpkin Juice or Butterbeer recipe. This is only half true. There is a Pumpkin Juice recipe listed on page 40 in the book. Butterbeer is not included, however I found the recipe for Butterbeer here & it's supposed to taste almost exactly like Universal Orlando's Butterbeer. Here is the recipe . I'm actually in the process of making a recipe page for Butterbeer so people can print it out & tape/paste/staple the recipe into the book.
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