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Country:, Europe, NL

City: 5.7237 Provincie Flevoland, Netherlands

  • LinMin - TV Freeway

    I am returning them. I was receiving 3 stations before and only one after using this product. Tried it on several different TV's, old and new, upstairs and down. It only receives stations transmitted thru air, and no more than 30 miles with no obstructions - well that's no replacement for cable TV, not even a good replacement for the cheapest rabbit ears.

  • Kindle Customer - Good ball.

    I'm using them as game balls and they are so easy to see. Some teams aren't thrilled because they are so different from what they practice with but once play starts, that attitude seems to disappear.

  • Angelica Echeverria - So far it's great.

    Just received product. So far customer service from this company is great. Thought I would try this from other reviews seems like this make help my husband's liver issues. Will keep updating as I use and give pros and cons of product.

  • Savvy Consumer - Pleasantly Surprised!

    This is a unique product.... I found it extra effective to put my moisturizer under it before bedtime. It really makes a noticeable difference around my lips and mouth area. Would definitely recommend.

  • Old Bugger - BatteryMINDer 12V

    The theory of these things has been around a long time (decades), finally with this price I just had to give it a try. So...