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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.6133 Utah, United States

  • Steve Hattan - Customer For Life

    It came in on time and packaged perfectly...probably even better had it been directly from the manufacturer. My first print job was labels, using the office max brand label. When I applied the labels to the post cards I was sending the ink smeared and I could hardly read the address. I was extremely disappointed in the quality of the toner at that point. Then I printed a regular sheet of paper and there was no smudge. As it turns out, the culprit behind the smearing of the label was the label itself. When I switched to Avery Labels there was no smearing. So, needless to say, I was/am extremely happy with eh replacement toner I bought and will most likely ALWASY buy from this company. Great job LD!!!

  • janice foster - Better instructions

    Because I can't get it to down load on my pcs. If I had better instructions. I would rate it again I had this last year went to put in on my pcs and it said invalid. Very frustrated

  • Orin - great product

    Keep hair really soft for the week. Gentle on scalp. Hair smelled great. Love the container the conditioner is in

  • A. Tibbets - I really like it, the cat has mixed feelings about it.

    I've had this particular Waterpik for about a year now and really like it. I don't use all of the attachments, but at least they store inside the lid - out of the way. Compared to my old Interplak water jet this one is wonderful. Higher water pressure, better attachments, larger reservoir, cord storage area and a lid that completely covers the top of the reservoir to keep stuff out of it.

  • Buffed Chef - Hot Water Bottle Just as Effective

    This is a lousy product. Used it as directed for 3 weeks with no results. A regular hot water bottle will give you the same type of relief. Actually you can get more heat out of a hot water bottle. This is a Rip-Off and preys on people who want to believe in it's claims. Asked for a refund and only receive 60% of my money back. They don't refund your Shipping and handling and you have to pay to send it back so you get stuck both ways. Original S & P charges $29.38, cost to ship it back about $9.00, that's over $38.00 out of pocket. They also don't refund sales tax. Not sure if that is legal but my tax was $11.49. Total damn near $50.00 I was screwed out of. Don't let them fool you with all the hype and promises, steer clear of these con artist.

  • Snorz - the problem is that it doesnt work most of the time and it does not like windows 10

    Have had nothing but issues with the software. Once license expires, I'll be looking elsewhere. Customer service was rude and not helpful. Never again would I ever use this. If the software is working, it does seem to protect the computers, the problem is that it doesnt work most of the time and it does not like windows 10.

  • David Pimental - Replacement Toyota Tacoma mud flaps fix the problem

    If your Toyota Tacoma mudflaps are oversized and hitting the ground every time you go over a small bump, these will take care of the problem.