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This being ma first airbrush machine I was a bit scared in getting this seeing that its so cheap compared to the others I saw for a lot a big bucks lol......but being a boy on a budget I got it and I must say I ddont regret it @ all.... It included the compressor, the stencils which consisted on 20 stencil sheets one thing I hated about the stencils is that the designs were repetitive other wise from that awesum!!...I also got 12 paints 2 fl onz each also 2 airbrush cleaners and 2 thining reducers all the same size 2 fl onz, great colors but a lil bit watery, I received 2 how to airbrush books didn't tell u a lot and also the compresser manual which shows nothing either...I also got the hose which is pretty long and let's not forget the airbrush..which is model G26...guys just get it its woth it ill even upload a pic of the items
Looks sweet installed so quick I am very happy with this purchase as well came a week earlier than estimated!
The Awapuhi shampoo is one of the best I have ever found. It is gentle to my hair, but cleans squeaky clean with very little shampoo. My hair is easy to manage and the smell reminds me of some great trips to the Hawaiian islands.