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We've used Pampers Swaddlers faithfully from Amazon since our 14 month old son was born. They've always worked great. We just got our new box and I noticed the design on the front is different. There are also two red lines? Not sure why those are there. They feel very thin. I have a few leftover from our last box and it's obvious that Pampers has changed the diaper to something much cheaper and substandard.
When I was diagnosed with a B12 deficiency I started doing research and found a book written about b12 deficiency and on an internet board, the author personally recommended this brand to me.
Even though I'm a guy, I bought a pac of these pens on my therapist's recommendation to help me get in touch with my "feminine side." i've been using these pens for a month now, and you just would not believe the change! For one thing I'm no longer reluctant to ask for directions when I get lost! My personal hygiene has improved immensely and I've started helping the Missus with the household chores! Thanks BIC, you saved my marriage!