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City: -122.3933 California, United States
This book had me hooked from page one! I love how it starts off letting us know how close the Barton brothers(Luke,Chris) & Hayley were growing up. Unfortunately Hayley left & didn't keep in touch for 3 years & when she comes back she's shocked to find out how life's been for her childhood crush (Luke). The story reverts back to what happened 3 years ago & I like how even this part of book has his & her points of view & loved hearing how he knew she was The One but wasn't secure enough to let her know. Loved the line " I'm the big Bad Wolf about to devour her" & how he refers her to " me little red riding hood". The story is a bit suspenseful- there are some murders that occur & I was on edge throughout the story. I was shocked on who the murderer was. I was given this book as an arc and voluntarily leaving my comments on how much I loved this story. There is a h.e.a. And no cliffhanger. I hope these 2 authors write more books together
I used the 2014 version as a resource last year and the new 2015 edition is everything I expected the book to be. Furthermore, the 2015 edition included new scholarships adding to the depth of the book across all categories of scholarships.
I've been using Abreva for about 6 years now. There has been ups and downs, but overall Abreva is one of the best treatments for cold sores. Over the years, I've tried a couple of other topical creams, but all of them have failed or made it worse. Products such as Lysine+, Carmex, Blistex, Chapstick or any other lip balm type creams that claim to heal or help cold sores do not work for me. (You never want to use a product that doesn't eventually dry. Keeping the cold sore wet will just make it worse and risk spreading it to other areas.)
I have been running Internet Security for several months and have been very happy. I am sticking with this program in lieu of the more expensive and boggy "Total Protection" ... a so called upgraded version.
It does exactly what it claims to do! On the third day I used it three times. By day four my husband told me my butt was really toning up. Lol. I didn't tell him about this lotion so he is assuming I'm working out but I purposely didn't do any working out for two weeks. (to really be able to tell whether or not the cream was working). It is definitely restoring me to my former glory🙌🙌🙌🙌. I'm a real person and didn't receive anything for this review.
Horrible product. I don't have the newest computer, 4 year old middle of the road desktop. This software made the computer totally unusable. Response time to many actions was 1-2 minutes, which were previously 5-10 seconds. The 3 computer license was practically unusable as well due to the record keeping required when installing on computer #1.