80below.com Review:


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| Expect to read cycling news, rants about society, geeky news, and more cycling stuff…..all from Alaska’s Interior. - Expect to read cycling news, rants about society, geeky news, and more cycling stuff.....all from Alaska's Interior.

Country:, Europe, DE

City: 13.4062 Land Berlin, Germany

  • Amazon Customer - A boring tour through the Spanish Grammar

    This is not a very friendly language program. It is too obsessed with grammar at the beginning. When children learn a language they don't learn grammar first. They learn it AFTER learning a lot of basic phrases. It is the same for adults.

  • C. Cooper - Gastrointestinal Armageddon

    When I got these, I couldn't contain my excitement and I ate about a quarter of a bag. Scenes from the movie 2012 could have been filmed inside my gut. There would have been less pressure to make two winning free throws in the NBA finals than for gas to escape my bowels. After a few hours, I had an EXTREME build-up of gas with no relief. All I could do was lie on my bed and pray for a fart. That might sound funny, but when you've eaten something that has basically turned you into the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka, you're pleading for relief. Well, the farts came and I lived through it but I not only had a visit from the fart fairy, but the sales rep from Montezuma's Revenge stopped by and gave me a FULL demo of their services as well.

  • GMGRacing - Worth the money!

    Always used this, always will Very easy to use, regardless if you're a novice or experienced user.