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Country:, Europe, NL
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Playmobil's proprietary system isn't very practical. My son loves to play with this system, but his GI Joes won't go through the opening. Neither will his matchbox cars, nor his transformers. The security guards just won't allow them through. But does this stop the green army men from passing through? No. How about the nerf darts, essentially tomahawk missiles in Playmobil scale? They pass right through. Whatever deals corporate has brokered with other companies is unfair. Let all toys through, or no toys through.
This book was wonderful, a good read for anyone who wants to be encouraged in their life. It helps if you know a little bit about Chip and JoJo but even if you don't, their journey will surprise and encourage you in your own walk. Thankful they have been willing to open their lives up on their show, Fixer Upper and through this book.
TrackR had to be held against my ear to hear locating tones. If I have to hold the device (attached to my keys) against my ear to hear the locating tone,,I must have located it, visually!!! Duh??
The latest version of the Just Dance series is a lot of fun to be enjoyed by both young and old. My wife and I compete with our daughters and we have a blast. It's great family fun and if recorded on video, great memories you can look back on.
I am a Black female who relaxes her hair. When I first started using this product 4 months ago my hair was about to the bottom of my collar. Now my hair is almost to my bra strap. My scalp is no longer extremely sensitive and I do not have any stress related bald spots any more. My hair grow quicker and longer than it has ever grown before, so get this it works. Use it everyday and you will be amazed.
I am so happy to have found this product line. I highly recommend her products without reservation!!